Rules for drawing with flipchart

Like many of you already know I consider the flip-chart to be a much more effective medium compared to PowerPoint*. Even the most hard-boiled keepers of the PowerPoint* Grail gave in after I got them to exchange their slides for a marker and a flip-chart sheet at a seminar. It is fascinating to see how  these people then admit, that they themselves prefer using the flip-chart. When drawing on flip-chart you should pay attention to a few tricks.


Always draw an additional dimension

Engineers who want to represent the data exchange between different devices or financial advisors who want to represent the flow of money between banks, insurance companies, and the tax authority, usually draw rectangular boxes and then a large number of arrows to show the money or data flows. 

After you have made such a drawing, go 3 steps back and watch the work of art from the perspective of a  hotel employee who has just entered the room. In 8 out of 10 cases you will have created a chaotic representation which will not be motivating. Now try the following trick: turn the rectangular surfaces into three-dimensional boxes and make two-dimensional arrows out of the one-dimensional arrows. Now step back again and look at what you created. You will not believe it until you will have experienced it yourself. Such a picture radiates twice as much tranquility and is twice as pleasant to look at.


Support your explanations by making drawings of small objects

When you talk about a saving potential of 50,000 Euro, draw a piggy bank and write 50,000.- on its belly. If you talk about a journey by plane as a premium, then, with a swift stroke, draw a plane. If you explain that in the new department there are two new colleagues who put things back on track, quickly draw two stick-figure who pull up a cart on an uneven level.

Do not underestimate the impact of such drawings. Those who experienced it once, know that it has not only a greater emotional impact but that it is also much more pleasant and interesting to look at. As you know if it is more pleasant and interesting to look at then your whole cause will be felt as being “more pleasant and more interesting”.

In the public speaking seminar I will assist you in learning how, in the future, you achieve multiple impact if you use the flipchart with expert knowledge instead of using PowerPoint*.


In the book "The PowerPoint Fallacy" i will show you how to trigger fascination in your audience WITHOUT PowerPoint*. Order the book cheaper


* PowerPoint as representative of all presentation software

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